More Pictures of Milky…

My human finally has some time to update the blog. So, she decided to share more pictures of my new cousin Milky.

She seems a bit clingy, right? Well, it was her first night with her new human slaves. From what I heard, she’s a very brave little puppy. More brave than her brother Lucky.

She’s so adorable that I couldn’t stay far away from her. All that fluffiness!! I love Pomeranians :heart:



She’s got a white tuft at the top of her head which makes her very unique. Unlike her brother, Milky’s ears are not pricked yet.

I know my eye looks weird because of the human’s camera flash. Boy, she’s so cute. I wish I can play with her all day long…

My New Cousin

Lucky has a new sibling! It’s a female Pomeranian named Milky.

She’s a little darling. My human took lots of photos but didn’t have time to edit it all and only managed to take this first shot of Milky with her Papa.

Welcome to the family Milky!!

Human: The house will be noisier than ever when Lucky and Milky visits. 4 dogs.. *headache*

My Little Brother… Rusty

My hoomans have been busy with stuff again. They had this thing called an Election recently. It seems that it is to elect their leader.

Hmmmm.. no need for that, I’m your natural born leader! All Hail Queen Snoopy!!!!!!

Some time back, I introduced everyone to my little bro Rusty. Well, here are his pictures…

He doesn’t look all that innocent!

Don’t let his eyes deceive you!!!! He’s a rascal in disguise!

Because of him, I had to stay outside, like some prisoner…. *sigh*

The Old Man carried him as well.

Finally, he falls asleep.

He’s not too bad. He plays with my old toys and stuff. So, that means I can get new ones!!!

Hooman: Tough luck Snoopy.. You two have a lot of toys!!!

My New Baby Brother…

The hoomans told me that I have a baby brother…

It’s another little PRT (Parson Russell Terrier)… He’s more PRT than JRT as his legs are longer. So, he’s going to be taller than me.. 😦 NO FAIR!

Anyway, no pics yet as the hoomans are busy with work and Rusty.  Yeah, that’s my new brother’s name.