More Pictures of Milky…

My human finally has some time to update the blog. So, she decided to share more pictures of my new cousin Milky.

She seems a bit clingy, right? Well, it was her first night with her new human slaves. From what I heard, she’s a very brave little puppy. More brave than her brother Lucky.

She’s so adorable that I couldn’t stay far away from her. All that fluffiness!! I love Pomeranians :heart:



She’s got a white tuft at the top of her head which makes her very unique. Unlike her brother, Milky’s ears are not pricked yet.

I know my eye looks weird because of the human’s camera flash. Boy, she’s so cute. I wish I can play with her all day long…

4 Responses

  1. Milky is such a cutie!!!

    best regards

  2. Is she a pom pom pom? She’s so cute!

    Solid Gold Dancer

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