My Little Brother… Rusty

My hoomans have been busy with stuff again. They had this thing called an Election recently. It seems that it is to elect their leader.

Hmmmm.. no need for that, I’m your natural born leader! All Hail Queen Snoopy!!!!!!

Some time back, I introduced everyone to my little bro Rusty. Well, here are his pictures…

He doesn’t look all that innocent!

Don’t let his eyes deceive you!!!! He’s a rascal in disguise!

Because of him, I had to stay outside, like some prisoner…. *sigh*

The Old Man carried him as well.

Finally, he falls asleep.

He’s not too bad. He plays with my old toys and stuff. So, that means I can get new ones!!!

Hooman: Tough luck Snoopy.. You two have a lot of toys!!!

6 Responses

  1. The way he sleeps is so cute. Do you sleep like that Snoopy?

    What makes your hooman buy another dog?

    Hi Chester & Che-Cheh,

    Errmmm.. I have various sleeping positions. Kekekee…

    I’ll tell you why my hooman got this sibling of mine in another post.


  2. snoppy u wan ice cream ? i belanja.

    Hi Liucas,

    I loooovveee ice cream.. 😉


  3. i don’t think is nice to have a sibling…although i’ll get new toys…

    Hi Pacco,

    Yeah, there are ups and downs. I’ve got to train this little guy and teach him a lot of lesson.

    However, the hoomans have bought lots of rawhide bones for me to steal… (^ ^)


  4. I don’t want anymore dogs at our house. I have 5 canine room mates and that stupid Human of mine.

    Hi Turbo,

    Gosh, I’m so sorry for you… I’m learning to tolerate this new sibling of mine… He still needs a lot of whacking.


  5. hi snoopy,

    what a nice name, rusty! snoopy, sometimes i wish i have another dog in the house. the humans are clueless at times. totally untrainable.

    licks & kisses,

    Hi Bosco,

    Yeah, Rusty is a short form for “Rascal”. Yes, hoomans are so clueless. Up to us to train them sometimes.


  6. Hi Snoopy, siblings are annoying!!!!

    Hi BenBen!!

    You are so right!!!


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