2008 Malaysian K9 Day – 20th January 2008

Greetings everyone!

Before I forget, let me wish everydoggy and hooman a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! Hope that you all had some yummy goodies as well as those nice ang pows too. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m waaaayyy behind on my blogs as my hooman was busy with work for the past 1 and 1/2 months – which sucks… So, I’m going to just report on the K9 Day I attended last month. It was sure fun even though it was a very hot day.

My hooman was lucky. She had a nice cap and sunshades to block the sun. Sure, she has been talking about getting goggles for me for years, but she never got one for me yet. But then….. I don’t like stuff on my head. ๐Ÿ˜†

So, I got to wear my favourite t-shirt. Yep, everybody was pointing to as “The Jack Russell with the Army T-shirt”. Hehehe.. I portrayedย  a very tough front. ๐Ÿ™‚

I had a lot of fun walking around the place, sniffing at dogs, getting sniffed at. I even got to see Pacco without her hooman. Pacco was barking a lot as her hooman walked away without her. It was sad that I couldn’t get to see Pacco with her jump as I had to get back home.

We walked close to the lake and saw some of the doggies cooling off in the lake. I would never like to get my paws wet but I did take a sniff at the edge to know what kind of water is there… Nope, you won’t see me jumping into the lake any time soon. ๐Ÿ˜‰

This was one really brave pup who went in there and got that plastic bottle out of the water!!

And guess what, it’s a small dog fishing out a HUGE bottle! Wow!! Now, that’s the power of small dogs!!

I decided to check out some other JRT who looked like my relative. Nah… It was a pup. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Like I said, I would not get anywhere near the water.

I had some admirers too. This Hush Puppy look-a-like named Lap Cheong decided to give me a kiss…

There were some doggy games as well but my hooman didn’t want to enter me. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Anyway, this was the “Waggiest Tail” event. If I had entered, I would have won! Hmmph!!

But, I was already very pooped when I did my round around the park. So, I had to park myself behind this random hooman. Myย  hooman tried to get me to move but I couldn’t care less. I was tooo tired.

At the end of a perfect day, I had a great nap. It was sure fun, let’s do it again next year!